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Juliana was recently featured on Girls Nite Live where she led a Body Connection exercise to explore how to improve energy levels through movement and conscious breathing.

Find a comfortable, quiet atmosphere and practice along with this mindful exercise!


Body Connection Weekly Practice

A Message From Juliana “Juju” Rodrigues: Every week I reflect on a message and share from Kim Krans, The Wild Unknown Tarot Cards. Modern and beautifully expressed illustrations with simple content and a positive perspective. Second I use the Mystic Mudra Primary Series Cards. I enjoy its magical idea with traveled illustrations I can relate to the body-mind yoga poses and daily life challenges. Third I use the I Ching: The Book Of Changes Peter Pauper Press, 1971. I learn to take it in a strong message about the idea of change. It can be a little bit raw, yet can awaken internal hidden numbness or blind spots.


Body Connection Weekly Practice: 🙏🏼 GRATITUDE

Body Connection Weekly Practice: ☝🏼 BALANCE

Body Connection Weekly Practice: 😊 COMPASSION

Body Connection Weekly Practice 😗 DETACHMENT

Body Connection Weekly Practice 🌷 BELIEFS

Body Connection Weekly Practice 👍🏼 INTEGRITY

Body Connection Weekly Practice 🤲🏼 ACCEPTANCE

Body Connection Weekly Practice ❤️ LOVE

Body Connection Weekly Practice 😎 FRIENDSHIP

Body Connection Weekly Practice ❤️ MOTHERHOOD